15_650029_1281750 https://www.meformerenregion.fr/formations/650029 ADVANCED MASTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (SEN) ISAE-SUPAERO


Date de mise à jour : 03/05/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 15_650029
Organisme responsable : ISAE-SUPAERO


Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary engineering discipline combining all sciences and technologies in an integrated team from design, to development, up to operations and delivery of competitive and complex systems. The systems Engineering approach is the capacity to federate and  control various, interweaving and complementary engineering activities. The objective of this approach is to deliver satisfactory systems, on-time and within the projected budget, with the level of quality and performances that meets the requirements of an open and competitive market. The systems Engineering process implements technical processes (requirement engineering, design, integration, verification, validation, etc.) as well as project management processes, agreement processes and enterprise processes. The program is designed in partnership with industry. Graduates are able to specify, design, deploy and maintain competitive and complex systems, fit to purpose, in various industrial sectors: space, aeronautics, air traffic control, land transport systems, maritime transport, health industry, energy, communication systems, etc

Programme de la formation

The Advanced Master in “Systems Engineering” provides the international aerospace industry with skilled professionals equipped to specify, design, deploy and maintain complex systems. This training program develops a system approach with the capacity to federate and manage various, interwoven and complementary activities.

Validation et sanction


Type de formation



Bac + 5 et plus

Contact de la formation

Responsable : Monsieur Contact Principal ISAE - SUPAERO
Téléphone fixe : +33(0)561338080
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

Institut Supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (ISAE)
SIRET : 13000427800011
31055 Toulouse
Téléphone fixe : 0561338037
Contacter l'organisme

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