15_650026_1281747 https://www.meformerenregion.fr/formations/650026 ADVANCED MASTER SPACE SYSTEMS ENGINEEERING (TAS ASTRO) ISAE-SUPAERO


Date de mise à jour : 23/04/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 15_650026
Organisme responsable : ISAE-SUPAERO


The TAS Astro - Space Systems Engineering Advanced Master program is a one-year professional course of study. The TAS Astro Advanced Master enables students to develop a high level of multidisciplinary skills in space science, space systems engineering and space project management. It provides students with access to work opportunities and numerous career openings in aerospace projects, in space agencies, research agencies, or industrial companies in an international environment. The program is designed for students who wish to start immediately after they complete their graduate degree and for employees who have enrolled through their companies continuing education programs. The TAS Astro curriculum includes a broad spectrum of subjects with the following objectives: • develop specific skills applied to the space sector: Space systems engineering and management of space projects • acquire a high level of interdisciplinary knowledge related to the technical, economic and legal issues involved in space projects. • acquire a high level of interdisciplinary knowledge related to the technical, legal and economic aspects of international space programs

Programme de la formation

  The advanced master “Space Systems Engineeering” provides high level inter-disciplinary training in space systems engineering and space project management. The programme allows students to acquire and develop technical skills specific to space systems Design and to understand the international, economic and legal aspects of space programs.

Validation et sanction


Type de formation

Non certifiante


Sans niveau spécifique

Contact de la formation

Responsable : Monsieur Contact Principal ISAE - SUPAERO
Téléphone fixe : +33(0)561338080
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

Institut Supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (ISAE)
SIRET : 13000427800011
31055 Toulouse
Téléphone fixe : 0561338037
Contacter l'organisme

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