15_650017_1281738 https://www.meformerenregion.fr/formations/650017 ADVANCED MASTER EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (EMS) ISAE-SUPAERO


Date de mise à jour : 23/04/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 15_650017
Organisme responsable : ISAE-SUPAERO


OBJECTIVES The Embedded Systems Advanced Master Program provides comprehensive training for engineers willing to be a part of the aerospace industry. This Embedded Systems Master Program is a one-year professional course, designed by INP-ENSEEIHTand ISAE-SUPAERO partners with the support of the embedded systems industry to prepare students for challenging aerospace projects. This program focuses on a multidisciplinary approach and prepares students by passing on in-depth and comprehensive knowledge ofthe technologies underpinning embedded systems with an emphasis on aerospace. The program focuses on both theoretical and concrete aspects and aims at: • Developing Embedded-Systems engineering design skills at both system level and function level, built on a solid foundation of  complementary subjects: electronics, computer science, energy conversion and management, automatic control, telecommunications and networks; • Developing a system approach through integrated projects to masterspecific methods and tools as applied to the following domains aeronautics, space and the automotive industries. The curriculum is multidisciplinary. It covers hardware (electronics, energy), software (computer science, network links, modeling, analysis and certification) and such issues as Embedded Systems control from an integrated system perspective.

Programme de la formation

The Embedded Systems Master Program has been defined to provide the industry with well-trained engineers willing to participate in this challenging environment.

Validation et sanction


Type de formation

Non certifiante


Sans niveau spécifique

Contact de la formation

Responsable : Monsieur Contact Principal ISAE - SUPAERO
Téléphone fixe : +33(0)561338080
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

Institut Supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (ISAE)
SIRET : 13000427800011
31055 Toulouse
Téléphone fixe : 0561338037
Contacter l'organisme

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