15_650013_1281734 https://www.meformerenregion.fr/formations/650013 ADVANCED MASTER ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION (AIBT) ISAE-SUPAERO


Date de mise à jour : 03/05/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 15_650013
Organisme responsable : ISAE-SUPAERO


You are interested in the  Artificial Intelligence? Our Advanced  Master in Artificial Intelligence provides a solid culture in AI, big data and machine learning. Upon completion, learners will be able to manage: Projects involving AI technologies and data science, Teams with AI skill sets and carrying out AI-related jobs such as big data engineers, data analysts, data miners or data scientists at an operational, intermediate or strategic level. We committed since 2011 in training AI professionals: we are particularly targeting professionals who graduated before the “AI wave” and we coordinate our training actions in the ANITI ecosystem ( Artificial Intelligence Toulouse Institute) which gathers industry actors and universities. The Advanced  Master Artificial Intelligence and Business Transformation is a  certified training program  which can be financed by French national and regional schemes such as CPF, ForPro Sup or Transitions Pro for instance. It is accessible to: -   students continuing their studies (after their initial training) -    apprentices , even if they are not French citizens or did not live in France before (find the criteria  on this webpage) -   professionals, willing to enhance their skills with Executive Education, whether it is a corporate or an individual initiative. AI-experienced French-speaking professionals wanting to have their academic and professional skills acknowledged can also obtain this diploma through  Validation des Acquis et de l'Expérience (VAE) validation of prior learning and experience.

Programme de la formation

Training engineers and managers capable of transforming the company through AI.

Validation et sanction


Type de formation



Bac + 5 et plus

Contact de la formation

Responsable : Monsieur Contact Principal ISAE - SUPAERO
Téléphone fixe : +33(0)561338080
Contacter l'organisme

Contact de l'organisme formateur

Institut Supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (ISAE)
SIRET : 13000427800011
31055 Toulouse
Téléphone fixe : 0561338037
Contacter l'organisme

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