MASTER Innovation, entreprise et société | parcours Digital Project Management (DPM)

Date de mise à jour : 16/05/2024 | Identifiant OffreInfo : 15_650989

Information fournie par :
Carif-Oref Occitanie

Certification et éligibilité au compte personnel de formation

  • Master mention innovation, entreprise et société - Code CertifInfo 105785
    • Niveau de qualification : 7 - Savoirs hautement spécialisés

Objectifs, programme, validation de la formation


Objectives The Master DPM is the English language version of the Master Management de Projets Numériques, created in 1999. It relies on expertise acquired over 20 years of existence and numerous professional partnerships. Our links with the french digital ecosystem are deep and we organize each year two weeks of learning expedition in Paris and Marseille, an Hackaton in Toulouse and we offer to students to work on real projects during one semester for local companies. Our training offers interdisciplinary teaching, at the interface of technical and socio-economic problems, to train operational project managers. In addition to the acquisition of strictly "digital" skills, the program targets other important skills of the "digital age", such as anticipation, critical thinking and creativity. Our training meets the recruitment needs of local authorities, state agencies and private companies (local service operators, consulting firms, start-ups, etc.), and serves as an incubator for students' professional pursuits. Further information Costs According to status 5372€ + CVEC + TOULBOX = around 5600€ Erasmus : according to convention between universities Master DPM website

Programme de la formation

Objectives The Master DPM is the English language version of the Master Management de Projets Numériques, created in 1999. It relies on expertise acquired over 20 years of existence and numerous professional partnerships. Our links with the french digital ecosystem are deep and we organize each year two weeks of learning expedition in Paris and Marseille, an Hackaton in Toulouse and we offer to students to work on real projects during one semester for local companies. Our training offers interdisciplinary teaching, at the interface of technical and socio-economic problems, to train operational project managers. In addition to the acquisition of strictly "digital" skills, the program targets other important skills of the "digital age", such as anticipation, critical thinking and creativity. Our training meets the recruitment needs of local authorities, state agencies and private companies (local service operators, consulting firms, start-ups, etc.), and serves as an incubator for students' professional pursuits. Further information Costs According to status 5372€ + CVEC + TOULBOX = around 5600€ Erasmus : according to convention between universities Master DPM website

Validation et sanction

MASTER Innovation, entreprise et société | parcours Digital Project Management (DPM)

Type de formation



Bac + 5 et plus

Métiers visés

Code Rome

Durée, rythme, financement

Modalités pédagogiques
, 35 heures hebdomadaires

Conventionnement : Non


Etat - Autre

Conditions d'accès

Public de la formation initiale
Modalités de recrutement et d'admission

Niveau d'entrée : Bac + 3 et 4

Conditions spécifiques et prérequis


Modalités d'accès

Lieu de réalisation de l'action

formation entièrement présentielle
31500 - Toulouse
Responsable :
Téléphone fixe :
Contacter l'organisme


Contact sur la formation
Responsable : Monsieur Université fédérale de Toulouse
Téléphone fixe :
fax :
Site web :
Contacter l'organisme
Contacter l'organisme formateur
Université Toulouse Jean-Jaures
SIRET: 19311383400017
31000 Toulouse
Responsable :
Téléphone fixe : 0561503741
Site web :
Contacter l'organisme

Période prévisibles de déroulement des sessions

du 01/09/2023 au 31/08/2024
débutant le : 01/09/2023
Adresse d'inscription
5 allées Antonio Machado
31000 - Toulouse
Etat du recrutement : Ouvert
Modalités : Entrées/sorties permanentes

Organisme responsable

Université Toulouse Jean-Jaures
SIRET : 19311383400017

5 allées Antonio Machado
31000 - Toulouse
Téléphone fixe : 0561503741
Contacter l'organisme